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Free Vibration Analysis of a Steel Bridge with Different Damage Condition

Sajib Sarker


Truss Bridge is one of the main connect all over the world which is comprised of pre-assembled trusses. Sometime, failure of a single member or multiple members can cause major harm to the structure. In this way, it has turned out to be basic to perform dynamic investigation to know the dynamic conduct of the structure under various fizzled part condition. The dynamic examination is normally completed in a tedious limited component programing. The point of this theory work is to lead the free vibration examination of a simple truss bridge span through programming. Free vibration examination was directed for four distinct cases. At first free vibration investigation was led for in place condition. From free vibration examination vibrational conduct of the scaffold truss was resolved. It gives distinctive mode states of the structure and relating common frequencies. A scientific model was likewise settled which gives mode shapes and relating characteristic frequencies of the scaffold structure for various cases. At long last a relative report was found between the expository outcomes and the outcomes got from programming. This relative investigation shows that the level of progress of normal recurrence in various cases was about equivalent in both programming examination and diagnostic model.

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