A Study on Strength Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Egg Shell Powder in Cement and Steel Slag in Fine Aggregate
The major problem in the world is facing today is the environmental pollution. In the construction industry mainly the production of Portland cement will causes the emission of pollutants results in environmental pollution, in the present study, Egg shell powder (ESP) are varied up to 10% and Steel Slag (SS) is added to optimum Egg shell powder content cement concrete from 20% to 40% (20%, 30% and 40%). These two wastes are recycled as a incomplete replacement of cement and fine aggregate and various properties like workability , from the experimental results it is found that 28 days strength of concrete using the partially replacement of Egg shell power and steel slag in concrete. The compressive strength is 6, 71%, split tensile strength is 15.66%, shear strength is 17.98% and flexural strength is 8.15% have been achieved than the conventional type of concrete.
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