Thevetia peruviana (Yellow oleander)–A non-edible biodiesel feedstock
The requirement for biodiesel as a renewable alternative to the current fuel has been increasing day by day. Considering the issues of food security, the non-edible feedstocks for biodiesel production are much in demand over edible sources. Among the various non-edible oil bearing plants, Thevetia peruviana (yellow oleander) is a potential feedstock for biodiesel production having 60-65% of oil content. The low FFA (Free fatty acid), viscosity and density of the Thevetia kernel oil signify its potential for biodiesel production. Several researches have been carried out for conversion of Thevetia oil into biodiesel by trans-esterification process. The physiochemical properties of the biodiesel obtained from this process like acid value, iodine value, saponification value etc. are comparable to conventional diesel fuel and comply with the standard for biodiesel (IS: 15607 and ASTM 6751).The lower emission characteristics such as CO2, CO, NOx and smoke capacity and a good fuel performance in terms of BTE and BSFC of Thevetia biodiesl have been observed. The suitability of this fuel has been proved in terms of environment-friendly fuel as comparative to the current conventional diesel fuel.
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