Experimental Investigation of Performance And Emission Characteristics Of Diesel-Bio Diesel (CSOME) - Ethanol-Diethyl Ether Blends In CI Engine
Increasingly stringent emissions regulations and environmental concerns have caused interest within the development of alternative fuels for inner combustion engines. Recently biobutanol,bioethanol and biodiesel emerged as an alternative fuels because of their oxygenated nature. This paper investigates the physical stability of ethanol-diesel blends the usage of Cottonseed oil methyl esters diesel emulsifier as additives, eventually evaluation of physico-chemical properties. Moreover, experimental tests had been achieved to take a look at the overall performance (gas consumption, thermal performance, power, exhaust gas temperature) and emissions (CO, NOx , HC and Smoke) of Direct Injection (DI) engine fuelled with the diverse blends compared with the ones fuelled with the aid of diesel. The blends used for this observe had been D50B50, D60B30E10, D60B20E15DEE5 And D40B40E10DEE10.
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