Experimental analysis of Savonius Hydro Turbine at various Inclinations
The immense boundless of conventional sources of energy made the human kind to investigate the potential of nature. The innovation that leads to the invention makes the human kind to experiment and modify the past technology to the new one. The past ideas of hydrokinetic energy led the focus on micro power plant and low head turbine. Hydrokinetic energy is one of the ancient and oldest techniques to generate power from flowing water and evoke the researchers to develop new technology because of its unique properties such as its specific weight and momentum make it more. The main aim of this experiment is to evaluate the optimum position of Savonius hydro turbine in open canal having a current velocity of 0.6m/s. In this work, the performance of Savonius hydro turbine is carried out with a different angle of position in open canal having constant velocity. The angle of position varies from 47.5o to -10.3o of Savonius hydro turbine and at different angles, Cp is obtained with different load conditions. Finally obtained the position in which Cp can be increased with titling the turbine and study the flow characteristics of the hydrokinetic turbine.
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