Energy, Exergy analysis and comparison of conventional multiple effect evaporation and pressure driven membrane distillation plus evaporation process in Indian sugar industry.
Sugarcane juice concentration by evaporation is an energy intensive process in conventional sugar factories. In the present scenario since energy conservation and economy is of prime importance, low energy consuming processes such as membrane technologies save large amounts of energy due to the absence of change in phase. The present work elaborates the benefits of replacing the conventional evaporation system with membrane distillation plus evaporation process both from energy and exergy point of view. A sugar manufacturing facility’s statistics is used from beyond literature. The analyses display fine consequences for substitution co-green in phrases of strength and for sustainability index in terms of exergy. If the evaporation station within the present sugar factories is changed via the proposed membrane distillation plus evaporation system, it would result in widespread advantages in terms of efficiency and environment.
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