Numerical Investigation on Thermal Stress Field for Isotropic BimaterialBonded Joints of Different Slanded Side Surfaces
This work aims to present an analysis of displacement and thermal stress field of isotropic material joint for thermal loading. It is a matter of fact that, material science along with simulation which are getting more prominent field of research for economical perspectives. This work aims to present throughout analysis of a stress field of isotropic elastic material joints having slanded side surfaces. Joint refers to adjoining criteria of at least two or more materials bonding with a common contact region. This interface contains lower in mechanical properties rather than the properties acts inside individual pure metallic bodies. Here the elasticbimaterial joint adhesively have been taken into consideration for the analysis of induced stresses for several loading conditions as these materials are valued for greater commercial uses. In this research, first developed a 3D model for a bimaterial joint of two different materials then applied the loads and constraints. Finally, different stresses and displacement characteristics are analyzed at the bonded interface using Finite Element Method (FEM) on Abaqus. Here, a 3D step less bi-material FEM model is developed. The model of analysis, upper and lower material namely Silicon Carbide and Aluminum for different shapes at the geometry.This work is focused on the reliability of the elastic bi-material bonded joints under static thermal stress condition.
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