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Failure Analysis of Motorbike Brake Disc Due To Thermal Loading Review

Mr. Avinash G. Patil, Mr. Bhuhan N. Ghodake, Mr. Ganesh G. Patil


Fatigue fracture is the fundamental reason for failure of engineering components it is cause by growth of initial crack and its propagation at micro structural level under thermal cyclic loading. A complex combination of thermo –mechanical loading subjected to component for crack initiation and growth by thermal fatigue. A certain number of motorbike disc shown the presence of small crack only after few thousand miles. This study focus on the evaluation of a surface crack in a stainless steel specimen expose to thermo-mechanical loading inducing a thermal gradient in the thickness. The thermo- mechanical modal is proposed in this study having initial crack under mode-I under thermal cyclic loading both in plane stress and in plane strain condition. A FEM analysis was performed to determine the temperature & stress distribution in disc during braking. Experimental facilities used for generating heating and cooling cycle.

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