A Computational Study of NOx Emissions for Methane-Air Combustion Using Eddy-Dissipation Model
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a mostly applied tool in developing the natural gas combustor, for example: emission issues of various pollutants after combustion process. In this work, we are capable to notice out the mass fraction and rate of NOx, which is our main interest. The three contrasting mechanism of NO formation is used, that is thermal, prompt and fuel NOx formation. However with computational efforts calculating the two-dimensional turbulent flames, there is requisite of simplified models in sequence to imitate the combustion reactions or determining the NOx emission rate. For the study of combustion process, meshing of the combustion model produced on commercial software program ANSYS fluent 15.0 was imported to verify the data. The simple shaped designed combustor is applied to burn the methane-air using eddy dissipation model.
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