Experimental Analysis of Machining Parameters for EDM of AISI 4340 Steel using Copper-Tungsten Electrode
EDM is a non-contact and non-conventional machining process which is used to cut conductive metals of any hardness or that are impossible or difficult to cut with conventional machining methods. The machine is also specialized in cutting complex contours that are difficult to produce using conventional cutting methods. So, this work investigated the effect of process parameters on machining of AISI 4340 steel in spark erosion process on EDM with Tungsten Copper electrode. This experimental research on EDM involves the study of the process parameters affecting the machining performance and productivity. A combined approach is used for the optimization of parameters and performance characteristics based on Taguchi method and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The design of experiments is based on Taguchi’s L16 orthogonal array. The response table and response graph for each level of machining parameters are obtained from Taguchi method to select the optimal levels of machining parameters. Main effect plot and interaction plot used to determine the optimal relationship between the various responses and parameters using MINITAB 14. It indicates which is most influencing factor or parameter. A confidence level of 95% has been taken for the analysis. Literature survey is carried out to find out the most influencing factor that affects the performance parameters. Also, literature survey gives us the various works done on EDM with other materials. In the present work, the machining parameters, namely, the pulse on time and peak current are optimized for maximum material removal rate (MRR), minimum tool wear rate (TWR) and minimum surface roughness.
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