Safety Perception and Safety Improvement Need in Commercial motorcycle Operation
Three divisions of stakeholders in commercial motorcycle operation in Ekiti State, Nigeria were interviewed to understand the safety challenge of the operation. These stakeholders include the drivers themselves, the law enforcement agencies, and researchers and medical workers. Analysis of the semi-structured interview followed Burnard (1991) recommendation of analysis of qualitative data. Findings from the study show that the drivers were introduced to strenuous working condition as soon as they joined the trade by the exorbitant motorcycle cost repayment scheme being adopted. This situation challenged their willingness to commit time to training, promoted risky behaviours that could enhance their income - including driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and made them traffic law violators. This strenuous working condition was further aggravated by the drivers’ view that the trade should be taken as a transient one, meaning that drivers needed to use the trade to raise starting capital for other business ventures. Thus most drivers were under pressure to raise money, whether for repayment or a starting capital. Nevertheless, the commercial motorcycle trade was believed to be lucrative. More people were therefore joining and increasing competition in the trade, and further making it more strenuous. Unfortunately, regulation is poor and law enforcement is faced with the challenge of corruption. Recommendations are therefore that the expensive motorcycle acquisition problem be addressed together with the appropriate training scheme for drivers. In addition, a firm regulatory structure is required for this trade. Such structure needs to deal with the use of alcohol and drugs amidst drivers as well as look into other safety issues already identified.
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