Experimental investigation of grain size effect on the temporal variation of local scour around bridge piers
The soil grain size may affect the volume of scour-hole and maximum scour depth substantially. In this paper, the effect of soil grain sizes (d50 = 3, 0.1, 0.002 mm) on the temporal variation of local scour around bridge piers, circular in shape, is experimentally investigated. The experiments were performed under clear-water scour conditions in a rectangular flume at different Froude numbers, pier diameters and varying soil grain sizes. Sieve analysis was conducted to determine grain sizes distribution of the studied soils and find their d50 values. The scour test results showed that the grain size affects the volume of scour-hole and maximum scour depth and plays a critical function in the scour process. The results also illustrated that, in general, the equilibrium scour depths in the cohesive (or clayey) soils is less than that in the non-cohesive (or sandy) soils.
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