Assessment of Water Quality Parameters in Karnafuli River: A Case Study in Karnafuli Paper Mill Area
Karnafuli River is the largest and important river, located in port city Chittagong of Bangladesh. Karnafully paper mill is situated in the embankment of this river and dependent for water supply. This study has been conducted in river basin area near to this paper mill to assess the important water quality parameters specifically pH, Turbidity, TDS, Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen (DO). There are three sampling locations consisting of upstream, middle stream and downstream at the 100 meter distance from each other were been selected for analysis. The study found the pH, turbidity, TDS, Temperature and DO values in upstream are 5.5, 36 NTU, 300 ppm, 32 0C and 5.6 mg/l whereas middle stream values are 5.2, 37.2 NTU, 1021 ppm, 34 0C and 4.2 mg/l and downstream values are 5.4, 36 NTU, 751 ppm, 32.3 0C and 4.8 mg/l respectively. Analyzed data has shown that the quality of discharge water are beyond of Bangladesh national standard and contaminating with river water causing for adverse impacts on surrounding aquatic environment. The finding, hereby arguing to treat effluent before discharge into the river and the people and the government should be sincere for reducing this river pollution.
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