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Analysis of Ground Water Quality: A Case Study in the Savar (Akrain) Area

Mr Niloy Parvez, Ms Afifa Sultana Pritul


The Savar (Akrain) area has posed a serious threat of reduction not only in quantity but also deterioration in quality. The primary source of water supply in Savar (Akrain) is mainly from groundwater available in the shallow and deep aquifers extracted through deep tube wells. So, the aim of the study is to understand the present condition of groundwater quality. In this paper, the specific area is delineated to show spatial variability considering physiological, chemical and biological parameters defined as Turbidity, pH, DO, Arsenic, TDS, TSS, TS using CCME method. Water quality index calculated by CCME method show that approximately 62.5 percent is suitable for human consumption within the specific area. The analysis expose that groundwater of the selected area needs some degree of treatment before consumption and the results will be beneficial for the planners and decision makers for effective management of groundwater resources.

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