An Laboratory Study of Waste Management using the Methods of Plant Extraction
Worldwide all the developing countries facing the problem of solid waste management and India are one of them. The study focused on the early times, the disposal of these wastes did not pose a significant problem, because of small population and the large amount of land available for the assimilation of wastes but with growing population problem of waste disposal has been intensified. The researchers find it difficult to manage the solid waste particularly the organic waste due to its large quantity. India is a religious country; there are more than 2 million of Hindu temples, 3.0 lacks mosques, more than 400 Gurudwaras etc. The study also seems that, more than 2.5 million religious places which generates tones of organic waste on daily basis which includes flowers, leaves, etc. In present study an attempt has been made to give a new approach for the management of solid waste organic materials by extracting essence from these green wastes by the plant extraction process (Hot Fermentation and Cold Fermentation). These results in economic utilization of waste as a resource and obtain the products having marketable value providing employment and profit. It is one of the approaches towards the solid waste management
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