Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets of Domperidone
In the present study fast dissolving tablets of domperidone were prepared to enhance the patient compliance by direct compression method. Domperidone is an anti-emetic and a prokinetic medicine. Domperidone is water-insoluble drug with problems of variable bioavailability and bioinequivalence. As precision of dosing and patient compliance for quick relif from emesis, the present research work was held to prepare fast dissolving tablets of domperidone with avicel and sodium starch glycolate by varying the concentrations. The evaluation studies were performed for all the formulations such as hardness, friability, disintegration time and Dissolution rate. F4 was considered as best formulation among the four formulations which shows 99.34% of drug release within 20 minutes. The work proves that increase in the concentration of disintegrants may lead toincrease in the drug release pattern. All the formulations shows first order release pattern.
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