An Overview of Medicinal Plants Possessing Wound Healing Activity: A Natural Effective Wound Healer
Wounds are the disruption of anatomical and efficient integrity of living tissue. Wound healing is a complicated and frequent cascade of events, with a range of cellular and biochemical procedures, eventually resulting in the rebuilding and revival of damaged tissue. Several herbs and medicinal plants proved to be a wound healer and formulated for treatment of wounds. Plants and their extracts have vast potential for the treatment of wounds. The phytomedicines for wound healing are not only cheap and affordable but are also safe as hyper sensitive reactions are rarely encountered with the use of these agents. Some of them are Aloe, Tulsi, Neem, Turmeric, Achiote, etc., are mostly used in all kinds of wounds. The pharmacological validation on Indian medicinal plants is very limited and a large number of plants used in tribal and folklore with enormous potential have not been validated for their wound healing activity. The review focused on the immense scope for researchers because the traditional claims and development is safe and effective and globally accepted herbal drugs for cuts and wounds. Hence, some common plants those are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of wounds. It is a beneficial work for researchers to provide details about the wound healing herbs and development of safe and effective herbal drugs for cuts and wounds.
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