Effectiveness Of Hydrogen Peroxide Vs Chlorhexidiene Oral Care In Maintenance Of Oral Hygiene Among Critically Ill Patients Admitted At Government Rajaji Hospital Madurai
Effectiveness hydrogen peroxide vs chlorhexidiene oral care in maintenance of oral hygiene among critically ill patients, admitted at Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. Objectives: To assess the level of oral hygiene among critically ill patients. To evaluate and compare hydrogen peroxide oral care and chlorhexidine oral care among group I and group II and associate with their variables. Hypotheses: There is a significant difference between pre and post and between post test and association with their variables. Methodology: True experimental pretest post test design was used. 60 subjects selected by simple random sampling technique. Oral care with hydrogen peroxide for group I and chlorhexidiene for group II was given three times a day for five days. Pretest on first day, post test on sixth day was done by Beck’s oral assessment guide. Results: The findings reveal there is an in significant reduction score in group I 33.1 and in 48.3 group II. Conclusion: This study statistically proved that chlorhexidiene oral care is more effective in maintenance of oral hygiene among critically ill patients.
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