Intelligent Security System Design for Healthcare Data in Cloud through Encryption Mechanisms

Sasikumar Gurumurthy, M. Ramu, B.D.Kalyan Kumar, Joshnavi 1


Cloud computing offers great benefits to the healthcare quarter like hospitals and health clinics which require short get entry to computing and big storage centers which are not provided in conventional settings. Furthermore healthcare information desires to be shared across diverse geographies. Cloud affords these kinds of necessities therefore imparting the healthcare companies an extremely good opportunity to improve services to their customers. Data maintained in cloud may contain personal, private or confidential information such as healthcare related information that requires the proper safeguards.


Data security continues to be one of the top concerns for cloud computing, an issue that’s been intensified by recent high-profile attacks in healthcare. Data encryption offers cloud customers an effective way to secure their sensitive data by transforming information in cipher text that can only be deciphered by the owner of the encryption key without sacrificing network performance. It is well explained using hybrid architecture based on Cryptography as a Service (CaaS) including the private cloud Open Stack platform. It is implemented with two cryptography algorithms (homomorphic encryption and RSA) in this architecture for providing security to information based on OpenStack platform.

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