A Study on Strength Properties of Light Weight Cinder Aggregate Concrete
The main objective of this project work is to determine the effect of light weight cinder aggregate on conventional concrete with replacing it as a normal aggregate. Experiments were carried out by replacing the coarse aggregate with different percentages of cinder aggregate over conventional concrete at water-cement ratio of 0.47 and fine aggregate replaced by cinder powder. The replacement percentages of coarse aggregate by cinder aggregate are 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. The considered nominal size of cinder aggregate is 20 mm sieve passing. Similarly, cinder powder used as fine aggregate replacement material with the varying percentages of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The conventional aggregate concrete mix has been designed for M25 grade concrete using ISI method. In this investigation cubes, cylinders of standard size 150x150x150mm, 150x300mm specimens have been cast and tested for curing periods. The unit weight of the cinder concrete is 2050 kg/m3. In present work, investigations are being carried out over lightweight aggregate concrete with cinder as lightweight aggregate. Tests are being carried out for assertions results with respect to strength in compression strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength replacement with partial and fully respectively.
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