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Anticoagulant Activity of Ethanolic Extract Stingging Nettle from Biak Numfor

Eva Susanty Simaremare, Rizqa Fauziyah Fadhilah, Elsye Gunawan, Yuliana Yabansabra, Elizabeth Holle


Stinging nettle (Laportea aestuans (Linn) Chew) have been used empirically as relieving pain such as stiffness, headache, abdominal pain, muscle aches, joints and bruises. The aims of this study was to determine the effect of ethanol extract of stinging nettle leaf as an anticoagulant that used human blood (A, B, O and AB) using Lee-white method and blood smear. The stinging nettle leaf samples were taken from Biak Numfor, made simplicia, and macerated by 96% ethanol. The anticoagulant activity of ethanol extract was tested with preliminary of 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 ppm. Then test was followed by anticoagulant activity by Lee White method and eustek method (blood smear). The results showed that in the preliminary test the minimum concentration of extracts of 45 ppm was observed for 120 minutes. Extracts Laportea aestuans have anticoagulant activity against various human blood groups as well as positive controls of EDTA. Both of them can bind calcium that the blood clotting factors so blood did not freeze. Blood clotting activity by eustek method showed that the extract of Laportea aestuans seen in the microscopic blood cells did not freeze because the unrelated blood cells were intact and separated from each other.

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