Studies on Pharmacognostical, Preliminary Phytochemistry of Stem of Justicia gendarussa Burn
Objective: To study the detailed pharmacognostical, preliminary phytochemical evaluation of the stem of Justicia gendarussa Burm, belonging to the family Acanthaceae, commonly known as ‘‘vatham kolli”. Traditionally this plant was used in treatment of bronchitis, inflammation, eye diseases, ear ache, vaginal discharges, rheumatism, dysentery, eczema and jaundice. Methods: Stem of Justicia gendarussa was studied by its Macroscopical, Microscopical, Preliminary phytochemical, Physiochemical analysis and other methods for standardization recommended by WHO. Results: Macroscopically, the stem is gray to brown, has a characteristic odour, is 10-60 cm long and 0.5-2 cm wide, thick, multi-branched, glabrous and bitter in taste. The young stem is circular in transverse sectional view with dense matter of epidermal trichomes which are two types, glandular and non-glandular. The vascular bundle consists of prominent discontinuous masses of bundle cap fibers, thin layer of phloem and several short parallel lines of xylem elements. The pith is wide and parenchymatous. The thick stem exhibits well developed secondary growth having closed vascular bundle with secondary xylem and phloem. These were the anatomical study's diagnostic characteristics. Physiochemical parameters have also been determined, such as loss of drying, extractive values and ash values. In the preliminary phytochemical screening revealed that the presence of sterols, carbohydrates, flavanoids, tannins, alkaloids, glycosides and saponin. Conclusion: The result of study can serve as a valuable source of information and provide adequate standards in future investigations and applications to identify this plant material.
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