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P., Mr. Basavaraj, Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KLS GIT. (India)
Parakh, Arun, Department of Electrical,Shri G.S. Institute of Technology and Science,Indore, India (India)
Parihar, Vikramsingh R., Assistant Professor,Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering and Management, Badera-Amravati E-mail: vikramparihar05@gmail.com (India)
Patel, Avinash Kumar, Assistant Professor Deptt. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering VITS, Indore (India) (India)
Patel, Mr.Hemraj, M.Tech Scholar,Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Patel College of Science & Technology, Indore (India)
Patil, Mr.Sanket Sanjay
Patud, Kamna, M.Tech Scholar Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering VITS, Indore (India) (India)
Poornima, Ms., M.Tech (Communication Engineering)KNIT, Sultanpur. (India)
Prakash, BandgarSnehal, Annasahebdange college of engineering and technology Ashta, Sangli, Maharasthra, India (India)
Priyanka, L., SreeVidyanikethan Engineering College, A. Rangampet, Chittoor,Andhra Pradesh, India (India)
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ISSN: 2456-9860