Comparison between Flat and Conventional Slab of High Rise Buildings with Varying Geometry under Seismic Loading Condition
This paper focuses on comparative study in the behavior of high rise building structures under seismic loading condition and wind pressure by using different types of slabs in various types of geometries. The whole analysis is done by taking conventional slab and flat slab in various geometries and various floors separately. The parametric studies comprise of maximum lateral displacement, beam shear, storey drift and axial forces generated in the beam and column. For these case studies we have created 18 models for conventional two-way slabs and flat slab without shear wall in rectangular, hexagonal and octagonal geometry. The modelling is done in STAAD.pro V8i for seismic zones III and rectangular, hexagonal and octagonal geometries have considered for analysis. Plan size of rectangle 16X28 m, Hexagonal 16 m in diameter, and octagonal 12 m in diameter has considered. The models have also developed for different number of floors taking G+9, G+15 and G+ 23 storeys for all above geometries. The floor to floor height of all structural models is 3 meter. All beams and columns are taken rectangular geometry for analysis of all models. Seismic loadings, wind loadings are considered separately to evaluate the performance of all the 18th models and conclusions have drawn on the best slab framing system. Hence a deep comparative study is done to identify the best slab system in seismic zone III.
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