A Literature Collection for Self Compacting Concrete
Abdulkader El Mir, et al., (2015), ‘Porosity of Self-compacting Concrete’, Procedia Engineering, Vol.123, No.7058, pp.145 – 152.
Bernardinus Herbudiman and Adhi Mulyawan Saptaji, (2013), ‘Self-Compacting Concrete with Recycled Traditional Roof Tile Powder’, Procedia Engineering Vol.54, No.1, pp.805 – 816.
Erniati, et al., (2015), ‘Porosity, Pore size and Compressive strength of Self compacting Concrete using Sea water’, Procedia Engineering, Vol.12, No.1, pp.832 – 837.
Farhad Aslani,(2015), ‘Nanoparticles in Self-Compacting Concrete – A review’, Magazine of Concrete
Research, Vol. 67, No.20, pp.1084-1100.
Hajime Okamura and Masahiro Ouchi, (2003), ‘Self Compacting Concrete’, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.1, No.1, pp.5-15.
H. Zhao, W. Sun, X. Wu, and B. Gao, (2015), ‘The Properties Of The Self-Compacting Concrete With Fly Ash And Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Mineral Admixtures’ Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.95, No.1, pp.66-74.
H. E. Elyamany, A. E. M. Abd Elmoaty, and B. Mohamed. (2014),‘Effect Of Filler Types On Physical, Mechanical And Microstructure Of Self Compacting Concrete And Flow-Able Concrete’, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol.53, No.2, pp.295-307.
K C Panda and P K Bal, (2013), ‘Properties of Self compacting Concrete Using Recycled Coarse Aggregate’, Procedia Engineering, Vol.51, No.1, pp.159 – 164.
Kosmas K. Sideris et al., (2015), ‘Production of Durable Self-compacting Concrete Using Ladle Furnace Slag (LFS) as Filler Material’, Procedia Engineering, Vol.108, No.1, pp.592 – 597
Lino Maia, et al., (2017), ‘Developing Commercial Self compacting Concrete Without Limestone Filler with Volcanic Aggregate material’, Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol.5, No.1, pp.147-154
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