Study of concrete cloth used in Civil Engineering Works
In this paper properties of flexible concrete sheet have been developed. The traditional concrete has a property of high brittleness and low flexural strength so to improve this deficiency flexible concrete sheet is prepared. We have used traditional ingredients of concrete and the results have proved to be increased flexibility of concrete.
The Journal For Science, Engineering And Technology In Wales, issue 62,winter 2009
Rangesh M. Jajodia, Dr. S. G. Makarande and M. R. Nikhar “Behavioral Study of Flexible Concrete Sheet “International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET)” ISSN: 2454-5031, Volume 03 - Issue 08, August 2017.
Ansari Umair Ahmad, Prof. Pallavi K. Pasnur “Experimental Study of the Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Mosquito Sheet on Concrete Canvas Panels” International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) Volume 9, Issue 4, July – August 2018
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“V. VEDHANARAYANAN” International Journal on Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering Volume 1: Issue 3: March 2015 ISSN (Online):2395 - 3837, PP 6-12.www.aetsjournal.com
The Journal For Science, Engineering And Technology In Wales, issue 62, winter 2009
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