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H. Eramma, Naveen Kumar Kumar S M, Kavana K. N


The present study emphasis is placed on the analysis and design of elevated water tank structures by manual method and by using SAP2000 software for gravity and lateral loading. A typical intze water tank is considered for the study. The structure is modeled using SAP2000 software using a combination of plate and line elements. The gravity loading consists of vertical and horizontal water pressure along with the self weight of the structure. The lateral loading is in the form of seismic loading as per the provisions of IS 1893. The structure is analyzed for combinations involving gravity and lateral loading. Push over analysis is also performed. The structure is then designed for the internal forces using SAP2000 and manual methods. The results of the present study reveal that SAP2000 is an convenient and efficient tool for the analysis and design of water tank structures .The push over curve reveals the ductility of the structure The results of design from SAP2000 and manual methods are in good agreement with each other.

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