Geochemical characteristics of water and its suitability for drinking and irrigation use in and around Warnanagar area of Kolhapur District (Maharashtra) India
Concentrations of selected physicochemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl- + SO4-2, CO32- and HCO3-) in surface and groundwater were studied in order to understand contamination level. For this study, water samples were collected from 22 locations representing the entire study area. Standard hydro-geochemical techniques were employed to determine the quality parameters of the water. pH and EC values of water samples show considerable changes. In most of the water samples Ca2+ is the dominant cation followed by Mg2+, Na+, and K+. HCO3- is the major anion followed by SO42- and Cl-. In general all the parameters are within prescribed limit except EC, TDS, Ca2+ and Mg2+. Water types indicate that the alkaline earth metals (Ca2+ + Ma2+) exceed the alkali metals (Na+ + K+). Strong acid (Cl- + SO4-2) exceed the weak acid (CO32- + HCO3). Further, suitability of groundwater for irrigation was examined with different irrigation indexes. It indicates that the groundwater quality stands for EC values about 55% of the samples falls in the high salinity category and stands on a sodium percent (SP) values about 91% of the samples falls into excellent to permissible category. The RSC, SSP and KR values stand on all the water samples fall in safe for irrigation purpose. Overall, water samples from the study area shows salinity, corrosion and permeability hazards.
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