Assessment and Control Measures for Jayanti Stream to Control Water Pollution of Panchganga River, Maharashtra, India
In the upcoming years we might experience scarcity of water; hence it is the need of the hour to protect the water bodies from getting polluted. Polluted water will not only affect the human health but will also disturb the ecological balance of the river. More industrialization and increased population results in everlasting demands which finally gives rise to water pollution. In this research paper, Panchganga River of Kolhapur City in Maharashtra Stateis taken as the part of study work. Kolhapur City is blessed to have Panchganga River flowing within the city. But water quality of Panchganga River is becoming a more cause of concern than pride for the past 10-15 years. The water in the Panchganga River is polluted due to direct discharge of many streams, CETP Plants of MIDC industrial hub, chemical fertilizers used for agriculture and lack of awareness among the people. The polluted water of Panchgangahas given rise to many some dangerous infectious diseases like Diarrhea, jaundice, gastro and fever etc. in Kolhapur city. As more than half the polluted water comes from the Jayanti stream to the Panchganga River so an innovative concept is suggested to deal with the problem ofJayanti stream which will not solve the problem of water pollution but will also rejuvenate the Jayanti Stream more effectively. A typical portion of the Jayanti Stream is been considered and a working model of that entire portion of the Jayanti Stream is been specifically elaborated with its 3D model including the water treatment facilities of the surrounding houses, waste material trapping devices, new approach towards ground water treatment, pipeline systems for the evacuation of the treated water from the houses to the Jayanti Stream. This whole development of the project will improve the water quality standards and will also continue the development of the ecological cycle for the rest of the remaining years.
For Catchment area of Panchganga river –
A copy of district map
Pollution abatment of Panchganga River
For Kolhapur –
Environmental Status Report of Kolhapur 2012-13
Environmental status report 2008-09
Measures to reduce pollution of river Panchganga June 2012
Panchganga river pollution report 2009
Temporary arrangements made to manage wastewater flowing through nallas 2012-2013
Nalla map
MPCB river monitoring stations and Water quality data of River water, CETP, STP
Patil S. et al Study of Physicochemical and biological characteristics of lakes from Shivaji
University Campus, Maharashtra, Advances in Applied Science Research, 2011, 2 (6):505-519
Report on Flows and Characteristics of sewage in Nalla basins in Kolhapur 2003-04 prepared
By K.I.T’ college of Engineering, Kolhapur
Kolhapur Municipal Corporation “Jayanti Nalla Shuddhi karan Yojana”.
Recommended Readings –
Griffiths, Richard A. (1995). “Soil – washing technology and practice.” Journal of
Hazardous Materials. 40. 175 – 189
USEPA. (1993, November). “Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Soil washing/ Soil Flushing.” EPA 542-B-012.
Other references -
Middlebrooks, E.J. (1982). Waste Water Stabilization Lagoon Design, Performance and Upgrading. Mcmillan Publishing. ISBN 0-02-949500-8
Ashworth, J; Skinner, M (19 December 2011). “Waste Stabilization Pond Design Manual “(PDF). Power and Water Corporation. Retrieved 11 February 2017.
Hosetti B.B.; Kulkarni A.R.; Patil H.S. (1994), Water quality in JayantiNalla and Panchganga at Kolhapur. Indian Environ. Hlth. 36(2): 124-127.
Johnson, R.L.; et al. (Nov 1993). "An Overview of In Situ Air Sparging". Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 13 (4): 127–135.DOI:10.1111/j.1745 – 6592.1993. Tb00456.x
Bass, David H; et al. (2000). "Performance of air sparging systems: a review of case- studies". Journal of Hazardous Materials. Elsevier. 72 (2–3): 101–119 doi:10.1016/S0304-3894(99)00136-3.
Marley, Michael C.; Hazebrouck, David J.; Walsh, Matthew T. (1992-05-01). "The Application of In Situ Air Sparging as an Innovative Soils and Ground Water Remediation Technology". Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation. 12 (2): 137– 145. DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6592.1992.tb00044.x. ISSN 1745-6592
Environment in Indian Society- Problems and Prospects: R.B. Patil, A Mittal Publication, New Delhi (India), 2009, pp. (45-52).
State of Environment Report: Maharashtra, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Mumbai- 400065 (India), Sponsored by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India Prepared by Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
Water Pollution: Impact of Pollutants and New Promising Techniques in Purification Process, Ramandeep Singh Gambhir1*, Vinod Kapoor2, Ashutosh Nirola3, Raman Sohi4 and Vikram Bansal4, J Hum Ecol, 37(2): 103-109 (2012).
www.cpcb.nic.in Annual Report of Central Pollution Control Board 2008-09
www.mpcb.gov.in Annual Report of ministry of environment and forest 2009-10
www.mohfw.nic.in Annual Report of ministry of health and family welfare 2009-10
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