Heavy metals-chromium (Cr) and Lead (Pb) are released into natural waters by industrial and domestic wastewater discharges. These can be toxic to aquatic life and cause natural water to be unsuitable as potable water sources. To remove these unhealthful metals from the natural water resources researchers have tried several ways among them activated carbon is employed as adsorbent for the removal of pollutants gift in water and waste matter, but it's costlier method, thus here we tendto tried acoffee price technology exploitation thenatural accessible resources like varied fallen tree leaves as associate absorbent. AegleMarmelos (AM)-Vilvam leaves leave is analyzed whether or not they are having the capability of impactive adsorbent for the removal of Cr and Pb from the waste water by experiments and numerous observations were created for the effect of contact time, pH, metal concentration and adsorbent doses in answer conjointly a comparative study is been created through isotherm characteristics of removal potency of heavy metals from solution.
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