Basic Brown4 Dye Waste Treatment Through Ozonation
An effort has been put in this work to identify the effects of ozonation processes for decolourization and/or degradation of organic pollutants for environmental protection. In dyes, since the chromosphere collections through conjugated dual bonds, that are answerable for shade, can be wrecked by ozone either directly or indirectly developing short particles, thereby reducing the colour of the effluents. Characteristics of treated effluent were analysed using spectrophotometer and standard COD method. Colour removal of effluent was achieved in 30mins of contact time for Basic brown4 dye at an ozone consumption of 6mg/lit. The effects of dye concentration, pH, and ozone flow rate on ozonation of basic brown4 were studied. The kinetics on ozonation of basic brown4 has been studied.
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