Analysis and Detection of Ovarian Cyst Using Soft Computing Technique in MATLAB

Chandrashekhar R. Mankar, Sonali P. Pardhi, Chaitali Choudhari, Anurucha Asare, Prof. Sumit Chafale


Cyst and polycystic ovary syndrome is a disorder is a normal phenomenon that affect woman in the perlite age. The most important thing is that PCOS. PCOS syndrome is mainly found in women aging from 12 year to 60 year. In our project, we will be going to use more neighbour counter, water shade method, active counter models, Gaussian filtering and binary filtering method are going to be used in this paper to detect the size, shape and border of the ovarian cyst from echography images. In order to analyse the efficiency of segmentation and application developed in MATLAB software is proposed.

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